Event Time /
2015/12/12(Sat) 23:30(+0800)
Event Location /
THE WALL / KORNER (台北市羅斯福路四段200號B1)
Event Tickets /
Organizer /
{slide down for English ver}
☠ 粗爆的聲音顆粒 ☠
☠ 大塊的節拍躍點 ☠
☠ 詭譎的工業旋律 ☠
MØRBECK 從年輕時便投入派對場景。知名電子音樂廠牌如Perc Trax, Soma, M-Rec, Fifth Wall 都爭相發行他的音樂。現為莫斯科知名俱樂部Monasterio 與柏林知名俱樂部Stattbad Wedding 的駐場DJ。同時世界各地的俱樂部、音樂季都可以見到他的身影。
在80s' 到90s' 的嘻哈場景下成長,就開始寫了許多beats給當時各種不同的藝術家,隨後跟柏林的Techno Club 的興起,像是 “Tresor” 、 “Bunker” ,其創作就受到狂熱影響而發展變形。
早期開始他的主要表演方式是以Live Performance 主要,如2012年一場代表與BEN KLOCK ( Klockworks, Ostgut Ton )、DEVELOPER ( Modularz , Semantica )與KR!Z(Token) 幾間大廠龍頭的同台競演。而後期又同時投身於House 音樂的創作發行跟實際的DJ演出,可說在四四拍的大部份領域已全部得標攻略完成!
在音樂上的發展至今,MØRBECK 與他的個人廠牌 Code Is Law 除了發行自己的作品,也廣納和自己擁有類似音樂品味與熱情的鐵克諾DJ們。這一切對他最重要的是追求打造一個創新跨界線的風格態度,試著融合關係較遠的Deep Techno、Deep House 或者是純Electro 元素。十多年累積下來的舞池經驗,MØRBECK 融合了過往音樂經驗呈現屬於個人強力形體的重拍音樂,創造出了極具辨識度的聆聽感受。
Code is Law:https://goo.gl/vQ62l2
In 1978 Moerbeck saw the light of metropolis Berlin. Childhood and youth were strongly influenced by the hip hop-scene of the 80’s and 90’s, which led him to produce beats for various underground artists in his teenage years. Meanwhile Berlin was increasingly gaining underground fame for being the most exciting place for techno, with clubs like “Bunker”, “Tresor”, “E-Werk” and “WMF”. At that time this spark has also set Moerbeck’s heart on fire and he began spending a lot of time in clubs. This experience had a massive impact on the focus of his future productions, and he dedicated more and more time to electronic music.
In 2005 he came to know the DJ and producer Sawlin, and henceforth they performed live acts together on Berlin underground parties. But after a while they decided to go separate ways, for the means of establishing their own names in the scene. During that period he applied himself to a House music project, whereby he released a couple of records under another pseudonym, through which he discovered his growing love for being an actual DJ. Professionally Moerbeck specialized himself towards sound and completed an apprenticeship in audio engineering and sounddesign.
Thanks to a mutual friend, Moerbeck and Sawlin were to meet again music-wise. They kept hanging out together in a studio, to produce deep, rough and industrial beats. They experimented in all kinds of directions with analogue synths and diverse effects, so that soon after a range of very special and unique creations emerged, which was nothing else than the starting point for a new and exciting project – Vault Series. This label echoed throughout the techno scenes all over the world, and so the first gig in the legendary Berghain wasn’t long in coming.
His love for electronic music led him to his essential project, his very own label “Code Is Law”, by which he means to create a platform for himself as well as for other artists. And it’s irrelevant whether it’s deep techno, deep house, or simply electro – what really matters to him is to highlight the innovative side of the music. Moerbeck unites his musical past and the present to a vigorous and powerful entity, always re-inventing himself and his music.
MØRBECK (Code Is Law)
活動日期|2015.12.12 (六) 23:30
活動地點|THE WALL / KORNER 台北市羅斯福路四段200號B1
票 價|單人預售票TWD$500 / 單人現場票TWD$600 (皆含1杯飲料)
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